2010, you oughtta be in pictures

My cousin James challenged me to document my year by taking at least one photo a day.

Here's where I'm putting them.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

This is my glass of water. Riveting, isn't it?

I took a nap this evening that ended up being more the definition of "short night's sleep" than "nap." Plus I had to watch the Southland season finale (!) and make myself some spaghetti. All of this means my photo of the day is a desperation shot borne of me going, "Ack! It's almost midnight! I have to take a picture!" Sorry.


  1. It took me several seconds to realize this was not an emerald-colored beverage. I thought it was pucker but then I saw the bubbles. Then I saw the bubbles go higher than the liquid. Then I realized it was a green glass and smacked myself on the head. It was a long thought process.

  2. Wow. I guess it is sorta riveting then.
