2010, you oughtta be in pictures

My cousin James challenged me to document my year by taking at least one photo a day.

Here's where I'm putting them.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Our little "crick," as we like to call it...

...has become a raging river. I don't think these photos properly convey how high and fast it has become.


  1. Is this seriously the gentle flowing creek behind the house? Time to break out the kayak.

  2. It really does look like raging rapids, Kris. When you stand at my parents' house and look at it, you can see big waves of water jumping up above land level. I should have taken some video.

  3. The SEWER....I saw a brown You shouldv'e dragged (slowed) the shutter, and put it on a tripod. It may have conveyed the rage more.

  4. I do not travel with my tripod, you photography Nazi!
