2010, you oughtta be in pictures

My cousin James challenged me to document my year by taking at least one photo a day.

Here's where I'm putting them.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Well, we had a marvelous day.

Today Kris, Liz, and I went on a book shopping spree, hitting a library sale, and two book shops.

In between it all, we stopped at the loveliest little coffee shop for lunch. We enjoyed sandwiches, smoothies, and Scrabble.

The last book store we visited was a beauty in downtown Harrisburg, located in an old movie palace. What a gem.

A huge mural lined one sun-drenched wall.

The Classic Authors nook featured quotations by great writers.

This is a favorite of more than one of the cousins.

Liz peruses the stacks of used books on the second floor.

A view from the lounge area. Everything is sunny and bookish and lovely.

The lounge area has a section with fluffy, sink-into-them chairs, and a corner with pews and stained glass windows resembling a church sanctuary. The books lining that section are poetry. I picked up a lovely little copy of Christina Rossetti's works.

1 comment:

  1. What a great bookstore, even if the prices were ridiculous on most things.
